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Struttura: struttura in MDF impiallacciato internamente in acero naturale ed esternamente in ebano tinto marrone scuro e rifinito con vernice
a base d’acqua 70 gloss.
Decoro: frontalini cassetti e antina a ribalta decorati a mano con resine spalmate in nuance secondo l’estro dell’artista.
Pezzi realizzati a mano; ogni pezzo sarà quindi diverso e unico.
Baxter consiglia il solo montaggio a muro/soffitto (no cartongesso) con la ferramenta fornita.
Frame: structure in veneered MDF internally in natural maple and externally in dark brown-stained ebony and finished with 70 gloss water
based paint.
Decoration: drawer front panels and flap door decorated by hand with resins smeared in nuance in line with the artist’s creativity.
Surfaces carried out by hand as “pictures”; each item will be therefore different and unique.
Baxter suggest wall/ceiling mounting only (no drywall) with screws provided.